What does a more strategic compassion look like for those experiencing poverty?





Auxylios equips you with the latest training, research and data, so your charitable giving makes the greatest measurable impact for those experiencing poverty.

Do more good, on purpose.

Most of us want to see poverty eradicated. But sometimes we can be unsure that our help is making the maximum impact.

At Auxylios, we utilize proven and powerful data analysis techniques to help you purposefully align your compassionate activity with the most effective interventions.

We will measurably increase your positive impact on the eradication of poverty - either in your neighborhood, your nation, or across the globe.


Help more people, more.

Auxylios helps you direct your support to organizations that are proven to be world-leaders in helping people.

We offer:

  • Personal Social Impact portfolios for individuals and families.

  • Bespoke Corporate Social Impact portfolios for your business.

  • Keynote speaking, Training and Workshops for your church or non-profit organization.


Be confident about the impact of your giving.

All Auxylios recommendations are backed by data and evidence.

Read more about the research behind our shared efforts to eradicate poverty in Our Snippets.


Meet highly-effective antipoverty organizations.

We’re building a growing shopfront of highly-effective organizations.

Learn about them, discover why we like them, and even take a step in supporting them, with Our Spotlight.


We’d love to help you, help them.

Talk to us about your Personal or Corporate Social Impact goals or training needs.